- Complete the grieving process on as many of your painful past experiences as possible.
- Reduce or erase the unconscious drivers of your stress, anxiety, depression and disease.
- Increase your self-confidence, clarity, purpose and enthusiasm for life so that you can:
1 – Save and restore your marriage and other love relationships.
2 – Grow and prosper in your business and career.
3 – Stand tall, brave and Resilient, knowing you have the wisdom, tools, experience and resources to land on your feet when the storms of life threaten to knock you down.

Maybe you’ve experienced the death of a loved one, a divorce, a health or financial crisis (or some other life-altering change) and, while you understand that grief is to be expected, you’re beginning to worry that “I’ll never get over this!”
Life hurts and grief can be a daily experience for some of us. (Hello teenagers!!)
This I know for certain: If you don’t address your traumas, losses, disappointments and pain, you will suffer.
Suffering always depletes your willpower and leads to settling.
Settling leads to giving up and that, my friend, is when depression and disease show up!
Our Most Popular Courses include:
- The Resiliency Course: The Main Course – touches on eight (8) major grief themes
- Healing Your Grief: Theme-specific courses (i.e.,, Child Loss, Loss of Spouse, Pet Loss, etc.)
- The EGO Tamer® Academy: Spiritual mentoring for a deeper relationship with God
- The EGO Tamer® (TET) Tapping Training, Mentoring and Certification Programs
- Healing the Wounds of Womanhood (for women only): Grief and traumas often associated with the female experience
- Healing Converstions for Couples: Dismantling emotional walls while learning heart-centered communication
Many courses include a topic-specific Grief Inventory & Personalized Stress Assessment© (GISA).
You’ll receive and learn to use the three (3) life-changing Tools:
Tool #1: The Resiliency Course© Grief Inventory and Stress Assessment: Your map
Tool #2: The EGO Tamer® (TET) Tapping and the fill-in-the-blank template: Your machine. Beyond emotional freedom and focused on your Soul connection and co-creation with Spirit. This tapping and the simple fill-in-the-blank template are gold! You’ll know exactly what to say and how to tap, healing layers and layers of hurt, pain and grief!
Tool #3: The 5 Aspects of Grief©: Your Key to Grief Healing. Finally, a simple step-by-step plan that’s easy to remember, makes perfect sense and ensures you address all the key aspects associated with grieving!
Buckets and bushels of Unconditional Love
In every conversation, you’ll feel respected, energetically held, understood, encouraged and coached to help you heal your heart, change your mindset and lift your energy and mood.
You’ll have multiple opportunities to be the undivided center of Jan’s attention. As the student-teacher, you’ll receive personalized tapping, coaching and she’ll share personal messages for you directly from Spirit.
You’ll be soothed and healed with guided meditations, prayers and Divine Love Transmissions. You’ll be healing at the Soul level.
All Early registrations get an additional 30-minute follow-up call after the program ends.
Masterful Coaching from Jan
A Master Tapping Practitioner
Gifted at reasoning and reframing
Laser focused NLP and mind pattern shifting
Intuitive Empath, often knows what you’re feeling before you have the words
Certified Past Life Regression Practitioner, Heal ancestral Past Life karmic patterns if and when they show up!
An authority who has personally overcome depression, grief of many losses including her 22-year old son. Jan has been right where you are and can honestly, unflinchingly tell you she has finished the job of grieving AND lives with joyful appreciation for the time and treasured memories of all her past relationships and experiences which she will keep for all of eternity!

- Be as committed to your healing as Jan is to helping you heal!
- Show up and fully participate; contact Jan if you’re feeling stuck or resistant
- Take part in as many of the yummy extras as you possibly can.
- Be willing to invest the Time, Energy – money is an exchange of energy – and Attention needed.
Here’s an email I received from a student after she had completed The Resiliency Course in 2018…
I began the course with 32 grief events – 27 of them had a SUDs level of 7 or higher. By the time we said our goodbyes, most of them had zeroed out and not one of the remaining topics registered higher than a 1 or 2.
When Jan invited me to join The Resiliency Course, honestly, it sounded too good to be true. How could so many issues be healed in just six sessions? But I said YES – because even if we accomplished just half of what was targeted, I knew it would be worth it.
I was coming through a divorce, healing from an abusive relationship, trying to restart my career – all while struggling to keep everything together for my two teenaged children. I was carrying a load of self-defeating beliefs rooted in past trauma. These beliefs had me feeling broken down and damaged. Slowly, week-by-week, I could feel this load grow lighter. My thoughts shifted and my inner critic quieted down. And I was not alone. The other members of my TRC group were experiencing similar shifts in their lives. We all cheered each other’s healings and fed off of each other’s breakthroughs.
By the time we got to the end, I’d say we accomplished DOUBLE what we targeted . . . if not more. It was truly mind-blowing for me, as well as the other members of the group. Time expanded when we were together and the shared benefits multiplied. The secret was the weekly schedule. Getting into a routine like that where every Monday we accessed – without fail – that source of healing power . . . that did wonders to strengthen our faith in the process. By the time we reached our last session, we were all positively joyful and in awe of how far we had come together.