How to restore your body, mind and spirit after the unthinkable
Our Pledge
You’ll feel completely different (relief and peace) after the very first session.
Whether you’re reeling from the loss of a spouse, a child, a parent, a sibling, a pet, a friend or from a divorce or a life-threatening diagnosis…
You will release physical, emotional and mental distress and pain every single hour.
This is an on-demand, self-paced program that is perfect for you if you aren’t ready to work one-to-one with a coach or counselor or you’re not sure about working with a group.
You can access all five 60-90 minute sessions at your convenience, 24/7, from the comfort of your own home or office – or even in your car!
Help Others
ONE TICKET brings healing for your entire family!
We not only allow you to share this program with your family, but we heartily encourage you to allow your family to have access to it – all for the price of one registration!
Open yourself to experience relief, peace and joy again.
Enjoy measurable relief with every lesson in this
powerful 5-module, on-demand healing program
Lifetime Access for Only $449
(plus tax)
Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive a welcome email with login information for your program.
Hi! I’m Jan Luther, creator of the Healing Your Grief programs.
With over 25 years of successfully helping thousands of clients navigate and neutralize shock and grief, I can confidently say that I can help you get back to the real YOU.
I know how to liberate you from shock and grief by teaching you how to quiet your mind, soothe your physical pain and connect to your spiritual guidance that is loving, peaceful and healing.
100% of the students who have participated thus far have reported measurable results each and every session

Enjoy measurable relief with every lesson in this
powerful 5-module, on-demand healing program
Let’s take a look inside your Healing Your Grief program:
If you’re ready to shift yourself out of shock and grief and get back to your happy and enthusiastic self, this invitation is for you!
We’ll be using the analogy of triage for a physical injury to address healing your shock in 5 logical steps:
Module 1 – Calling 9-1-1: You’ll learn the five techniques you can use at any time to calm yourself and get you back in your body and in the present moment.
*Note: Unlike the other sessions, this first unit is primarily a teaching and practicing of the tools and techniques. Every other unit focuses on shifting specific thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
Module 2 – Start Breathing Again: You’ll reduce or dissolve physical pain. (Pow! Some clients have had 100% relief in less than 30 minutes!)
Module 3 – Stop “Energetic Bleeding”: You will tap the brakes on your churning mind. With practice, you can bring it to a full stop where you can finally relax and recover your energy. (Did you know that the mind on an average day burns approximately 20% of your body’s energy?)
When you’re in distress and your focus is entirely on a problem that you can’t solve, the energy expended multiplies while amplifying feelings of vulnerability and fear.
No wonder you feel so exhausted, right?
Module 4 – Heal the Burns: You’ll playfully learn to recognize that other people have EGOs, too. Sometimes other people say and do really hurtful things. In this unit, you’ll experience the relief that comes from acknowledging and validating those “burns” and feel empowered to choose to release grudges and resentment so that you can FREE UP YOUR mind and energy for better things!
Module 5 – Medicine for Your Soul: This is like a beautiful bow on top. By this time, you’ll have removed enough layers of shock and resistance that you’re ready to experience the positive potential of directing your EGO mind on what IS wanted. You’ll open your heart, tune into your personal spiritual guidance and feel happiness, gratitude and perhaps even some blissful joy!
Each module is presented in a way that will give you measurable relief!
The content is delivered in the right/best order – both logically and energetically.
Each unit is effective on its own and has a potent, synergistic effect when added to the step before.
The program is simple enough and yet the instructions are specific enough that you can easily repeat the entire program and benefit each and every successive time.
If you have concerns that you’ll have to get into your “stuff” during this program, let me explain…
The magic of how this program was created is that we do not explore the aspects of your story or talk about the specifics of your experience of trauma loss and grief.
Healing Your Grief: Picking UP the Pieces after Trauma, Loss and Change is delicately designed to resolve the SHOCK in your mind and body and prepare and equip you to address the more tender under-layers of your personal tragedy or loss.
There is so much going on in the world right now. And while this program can benefit anyone who is experiencing shock and grief…
There are some hard and fast rules about who shouldn’t join this online program
This program is NOT FOR YOU:
- If you’re currently under the care of a mental health practitioner.
- If you’ve been diagnosed with PTSD.
- If you’re highly sensitive and easily triggered emotionally. (You’ll always and only want to work with a qualified professional in person. An online program like this, no matter how brilliant it might be, is not safe for you in your current tender state.)
- If you’re deeply stuck in the resistance stage of grief* this is not for you.
* How do you know if you’re in the resistant stage of grief?
Read the two statements below:
1. I believe I deserve to suffer.
2. I cannot be happy because that would be a betrayal.
If either of those two statements seem true to you, this program is not for you.
Transform your pain into peace – join our online healing journey and embrace hope today!
A life-changing experience for Only $449
(plus tax)
” The weight just lifted from around my neck! “
Barb lost her husband, father and mother in the last 5 years. Ouch!
The sadness was like a weight around her neck.
In the very first session, something clicked and she said it was like the weight lifted.
“I could hear my husband saying, ‘Babe, this isn’t over. This isn’t the end of us.’ Clear as a bell I could hear him saying that.”
~ Barbara
Update from Barb!
“I work in a Pre-Op area at a hospital. When COVID came about you could feel the tension in the air. Staff had to wear masks all the time, patients could not have family members with them, a very tense time.”
“I brought back my patient one morning, and he was anxious, the room felt warmer than usual, and suddenly I felt as if I was going to suffocate with my mask on. I tried to shake it off, taking a deep breath, but it wasn’t working and I felt panicked. I remembered one of the Tapping Techniques and excused myself from the room.”
“I stepped into a private are and tapped and focused on breathing. It only took a few minutes, and I was feeling calm and able to return to my patient.”
“On another occasion I could not sleep one night due to stomach discomfort and, again, this technique did the trick and I slept the rest of the night. I am very grateful for learning this technique through the Healing Your Grief program!”
~ Barbara
Lorrie began the program in bed, hopeless and in pain. After one session she was out of her bed, dressed and excited to be starting a new job!!

Lorrie is no stranger to trauma and grief. She has three special needs children…one child on the autism spectrum, one child with psychotic tendencies and a stepchild with major depression and psychotic tendencies.
Her husband has PTSD and ulcerative colitis and she been diagnosed with lupus, fibromyalgia, sjogren’s and hypothyroidism.
Needless to say, when she called in for her first session it was understandable that she was in her bed in pain.
By fully engaging from that very first session, she was energized and inspired so much that she reached out to a local health spa about working there as an EFT/Reiki/Energy Worker.
And they said “Yes.”
” The best thing about this course is I have now learned HOW to use tapping (for myself) ! “
“2013 was a horrific year. I Lost a step son, then my husband and then a second step son and had both knees replaced.”
“This year I moved, (I live alone) and had a dear dog (companion) and lost him, (plus) my third step-son died and my sister has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.”
“I told Jan this program was Divine Timing.”
“The best thing about this was I have now learned how to talk myself through tapping.”
~ Stephanie
” It has changed every aspect of my life! “
She started the program sad, angry frustrated. People were taking advantage of her and she learned that her boyfriend had betrayed her.
Taking this class has helped her stay calm, talk things through, think clearly and not let her mind race at night.
“This program has been amazing. EVERY ASPECT of my life has been changed!
Now, I’m better with my relationships. I don’t overreact, don’t lay in bed at night and ruminate. I now have tools that I did not have before!”
~ Mary Joy
Update from Mary Joy!
“So let me again say thank you to you!”
“My old self would not have been doing too well with all that is happening in our world.”
“My old self would have been panicking, sad and feeling extremely overwhelmed!”
“Thank you for helping me find my “new” version of me, one that is thankful for all I have and will weather this storm!”
“Hugs to you!”
~ Mary Joy
Tap into peace. Start healing your grief today!
Not familiar with The EGO Tamer® (TET) Tapping Technique (or just need a refresher )?
Simply click or tap here.