Imagine—having the power to heal your life literally at your fingertips.
You can experience measurable physical/ emotional and spiritual shifts in a matter of minutes with TET Tapping.
In the process you can melt away limiting beliefs, negative behavior patterns and, best of all, you’ll tap into higher states of your holy consciousness.
What you’ll experience when you train with Jan:
- Melting away your Physical pain
- Erase multiple bothersome memories
- Feel the sweet presence of Holy Spirit as you are rejuvenated day after day.
- You’ll experience happiness and even joy as together we Tame the EGO (carnal mind) and drift into the light and life energy of The Higher Mind of God.
- There will inevitably be unexpected healings as Jan follows Spirit inspiration to address students real time questions and personal needs.
Watch as Dr. Patrick Offman shares his miraculous healing experience during one of our trainings and how TET Tapping takes EFT to a whole new level.
“The pain was gone and hasn’t returned!”
What is covered in this Level One Training:
- The Science behind tapping (in layman’s terms)
- Why and how tapping works.
- Why we “Try It on Everything!”
- The TET Tapping Advanced Discovery Statement
- The 5 CORE TET Tapping Techniques (that I think every human should learn!)
- The importance of (and the “how to” for) neutralizing Psychological Reversals (PR)
- Tapping Shortcuts
- Assessing and tracking YOUR PROGRESS
And you’ll have your Training Handout to refer back to forever!
It gets even better!
In this self-study course, you’ll also…
- Practice with Jan’s TET Tapping fill-in-the-blank tapping templates so that you always know what to say and when to say it.
- Learn the fine art of soothing the EGO to avoid denial, anger and resistance.
- Learn to recognize and put the brakes on your deadly inner critic (what she calls the “EGO”).
- You may even get to watch as Jan models the “Keep your secret” method for when your EGO doesn’t want to divulge the story (when fear, shame or secret need to be healed).
And so much more!
Some of the best teaching comes from our students who participated in the training.
You’ll be blessed to see and feel the shifts in your own heart, mind and body as you tap with our students who participated in the live training!
Where else can you experience miraculous healings while you learn?
And on top of that…you can participate in this training at your own pace and in the comfort of your home or office, saving you hundreds of dollars on travel, hotels and dining!
Enjoy Special Pricing!
This class is normally offered for $399.00.
But, for a limited time, we’re offering it to you for
only $199
Please use the form below to add your name to our waiting list for this upcoming class.