Let me explain…
I’m known by most of my clients and students as The EGO Tamer®. Don’t be put off by the title. I don’t use whips and I don’t bark commands. It’s actually meant to be a humorous play on words.
After working with clients and students for over a decade, almost every one of them realized that I was doing more than just the generic EFT. They realized that not only were we tapping to clear blocks and recover the life they desired, but we were calming that little voice in their head, the “inner critic” that you’re probably familiar with. That inner critic thrives on sucking your energy away from your goals and dreams – all in the name of protecting you from embarrassment or failure.
I call that inner critic the EGO…and just like the lion tamer calms the roaring beast, my unique approach to tapping not only re-balances the body’s energy system, it also quiets the mind…hence, taming the EGO. This is my own unique enhancement to EFT and I truly believe that it makes all the difference in the world when I’m working with you and the past traumas, losses and changes in your life.
I decided to put a name to the technique I use when working with my clients. I call it The EGO Tamer® (TET) Tapping technique. (I know, clever, right?) It’s my own adaptation of tapping that incorporates intuition and drawing on the gifts and power of the Spirit to get to your core issues. So, no matter what you call me, The EGO Tamer® formulas get results…and that’s what I want for every one of my clients and students…results that matter!
The formulas? Well, that’s just something you’ll have to experience in a personal session with me or by attending one of my seminars…
I will tell you this. There is another voice inside of us; the voice of our Soul or Authentic Self. That voice is connected to our God/Creator and that voice has wisdom and courage and insights for our life. That voice will answer when we call for help. In every moment of agony, we can be lifted, inspired and directed.
In order to experience the peace that surpasses understanding, we must first be willing to surrender our “need to understand.” Our EGO will only allow this when our heart is softened and fully open. In those moments our mind is quiet and our “will” is surrendered to that Higher Power that can deliver that peace in any given moment. This is our primary goal with TETT. Calm the inner beast and all the fearsome anxiety that feeds it. When this happens, Divine Wisdom pours into us and the result is a change of heart that changes everything!
So, after living this and many other challenges and finding myself in a unique position to share the path to victory over EGO, I realized that my mission is to teach others what I’ve learned about taming the EGO or “voice of the flesh.” I know the EGO wants to steal your sanity, rob you of your joy and cheat you out of your destiny, but it can only accomplish that if you don’t take authority over it.
Whether your primary frustration is with your finances, relationships, self-esteem or coping with trauma, loss and change, I would love to help you tame your EGO.