Grief Inventory & Stress Assessment (GISA)

Scoring Instructions

We use the emotional Subjective Units of Distress (SUD) Scale in all our work. You’ll use this to rate your level of emotional and physical distress on a scale of 0-10.

“0” means this thought, memory or experience initiates no emotional or physical sensation; hence a ZERO.

“10” means you feel incredibly agitated, highly upset, may be in tears or distressed to the point of being speechless.

We begin the assessment by taking an inventory of possible topics of distress.

This inventory has seven (7) topics.

For example, one of the topics is DEATH / LOSS OF LOVED ONES

Each topic is further sorted into probable specific aspects/experiences that fall under that category.

You will see beside each aspect, a row of numbers 0-10.

If you have NOT experienced this aspect, simply click 0.

If the aspect/experience applies to you personally, you’ll click on the number that represents the level of emotional distress you feel when you think about talking about it.


GISA Scoring Example

In this example, you selected the following SUDS values:

  • Father 5
  • Mother 7
  • Brother 2
  • All others were 0

Next you will calculate (add up) the total SUDS numbers for this topic in the example: 5+7+2=14. So you would enter the number “14” in the field for the SUDS total for this topic (as shown below).

GISA Scores Total

Next you calculate the number of SUDS that are higher than a three (in this example, you had a 5 and a 7 which means that 2 are higher than a 3). So you would enter the number “2” in the appropriate field for this topic (as shown below).

GISA Scores Higher than 3

Once you’ve completed your scores for all of the topics, you’ll see your totals at the bottom of the final page of the GISA.

You will then need to SUBMIT your GISA. Once you do, you’ll receive an email with a copy of your assessment so that you have a list of the topics and aspects that you’ll need to use during the program.

Additionally, as soon as you submit your GISA you’ll automatically be directed to a confirmation page which will provide you with additional information about what your scores indicate for your mental, emotional and physical health and well-being.

We encourage you to go through each topic quickly and score each aspect intuitively.  This process will take about 10-15 minutes.

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