Certified TET Tapping Practitioners at The EGO Tamer Academy

This page contains a list of certified practitioners (in alphabetical order) trained in Emotional Freedom Techniques® and The EGO Tamer® (TET) Tapping technique by Jan Luther and The EGO Tamer® Academy.

Looking for a tapping practitioner who specializes in what you’d like to tap on? Check out what these amazing people have to offer!

The EGO Tamer® Academy is a service of The Rejuvenation Station, LLC (TRS LLC).  TRS LLC is proud to promote the EFT/TET Tapping Practitioners shown on this page, but it should be understood that each practitioner owns their own coaching practice and is not employed by TRS LLC. Each practitioner controls their own scheduling, pricing and business practices.

Shannon Brooks

Shannon Brooks

Business Name: Heartprints of Healing
Email: heartprintsofhealing@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Heartprintsofhealing/
Email Shannon for Office Hours and Appointment Availability

Tomeka Davis

Tomeka Davis

Business Name: J’Amour Naturel
Email: tomeka.l.davis@gmail.com
Email Tomeka for Office Hours and Appointment Availability

Larissa Groeneweg's Embrace Regenesis

Larissa Groeneweg

Business Name: Embrace Regenesis
Website: EmbraceRegenesis.com
Email: larissagroeneweg@hotmail.com
Email Larissa for Office Hours and Appointment Availability

Visit Larissa’s website for more information.

Kelly Taylor

Kelly Buffaloe Taylor

Email: ihealtap@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ihealtap/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ihealtap/
Email Kelly for Office Hours and Appointment Availability

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